these two boys lets call them billy and bob(witch FYI are nothing close)wont stop fallowing me and my friends. we will be sitting down at lunch or outside waitting for class and thee just seem to show up oiut of know where. its CREEPY. when me and my friend are talking about really weird things and were hoping no ones walks up the just kinda show up. the i start to laugh because thats just my luck, the i look at my friend and we kinda talk with out saying anything, then we both start to laugh and they think were crazy(witch we are) and they wont leave us alone. and not to say i dont like them as friend but i tend to zone out the world a lot and then they tend to snap me back in witch i dont like at all
15 years ago
Hey check out this song it's called: The Ways She Feels By Between The Trees
It's A really Good song
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