Monday, December 08, 2008


Ok, we decided to go to Disneyland this weekend and well, it didn’t go to well. A few things went wrong,
1st we get going and 3 hours later the car starts making weird noises, It was coming from the front and it was vibrating the steering wheel, this was going down I-5

2nd we call a tow truck and it comes to get us. Well, they got us and towed us to a pep boy in Hanford, California. This is where it gets weird; my cousin who was driving took the mechanics for a spin around the block to show them what was wrong. But they found NOTHING WRONG with it, so they patted us on the head and sent us on our way, with a clean bill of health.

3rd we go about 18 miles down the road and it started doing it AGAIN. By that time we had had enough and just decided to go home.

4th it got louder and worse, but the worst part is you couldn’t predict, it was acting like a 3 year old, it was ANNOYING and RANDOM.

5th we make it almost home and croak, goes bye bye and dies. 12 ½ hours after we left were 45 minutes away from home. The girls weekend we had planned turned in to the girls can do it on our own weekend.

My theory
· The car has a ghost in it that doesn’t like me
· The car has a 6th sense, and something baad was going to happen if we went to L.A

Nikki’s theory
· We always get blessed by nana Vi, and because we didn’t it gave us bad juju

Aunt Donna’s theory
· That cus my shoe lace weren’t tied it was my entire fault, that the shoes did it, and this is apparently also the reason I fall a lot to.

Aunt Donna’s theory got disproved cus I tied my shoes but the bad juju, and 6th sense and my ghost are still in play, we don’t know what it is but I will keep you informed.

If I’m not at school next week known that were still waiting for a tow truck or the ghost got us.

If I’m at school on tueday I won’t be on Friday

And next weekend were going to do this again


Minx said...

oh, man. same thing happened to our car. Kept doing weird things, but when the mechanics checked it out............nitch.

My theory: The mechanics put a spell on it! lol jk

Now we have to sell our car. :(
Hope you have better luck! ~Minx

Capri Amier Amour said...

Good luck with that! My theory: those mechanics are a piece of crappit and didn't know what in holy droplet's name they were talking about. (or just didn't look in the right direction)