Friday, March 20, 2009


friday was kinda random in the way it worked. it was also the fisrt day of spring.

1st period, history: we doing this just say no thing, and the section we did today was about stress and the whole lesson was based on me!!!!! gahhhhhhh!!!!!!! i got asked all but two questions which got asked to my two best friends. figures something like this would happen to me. way to add more stress to me.

2nd period, science: went by like i normal day, everyone talking and the teacher trying to controll us but not doing a very good job.

3rd period, math: we had sub who acutally likes me. i got stuck helping the two people that have be absent for the last two days, but i got extra credit.

4th period, elective: its are last day in this class so we got to have a party!!! yay!! we watched the movie firehouse dog, and got to eat candy and popcorn and soda. i talked with my only friend that was in that class the whole time and we played truth or truth. pretty fun period.

lunch: pizza for lunch, but sadly its the school pizza so it sucked....blah.

5th period, english: same class room as math, so we had a sub here to who gave us a quiz that we all knew about but the idoits complained and ended up getting us more work.

6th period, PE: we had to run extra to day cus the idoits in are class screwed it up. ive been sick 4 a whlie now and i cant take any deep breaths so i almost killed my self. after which we had to do dancing and the poeple i had to dance with i just cant dance with. i can dance with anyone execpt those people. figures.

after school: i get home only to find my parents asleep and the door lock so i had to jump in throu my window again. i get nagged by my brother telling me i have to get a job this summer, great! my freind wont stop buugging me asking me whats wrong? and when im about to tell them they start talking about how he thinks his girlfriend is going to break up with him. i then spend the rest of the night by my self in my room trying to sleep only to fall asleep at 6 am and the dog waking me up at 630 to be let out. after which i try to go back to sleep but it doesnt work out. im about to sleep at about 10ish and these religous people that are trying to convert people show up at my door and my parents are to lazy to get up and answer the door so i have to do it. and now i sit here typing this trying not to stress out more then i already am.

well sorry that was friday and today.


Sugar Loving Otaku said...


Minx said...

ugh, I hate those kinda days.
