Monday, March 30, 2009

idiot friends

life is such a downer. my best friend wants to start druggs cus he thinks it will make him less stressed, but we both know it wont. im trying to talk him out of it but right now i think id have more progress if i were talking to an orange, mabey i should just slap him. i wonder if that will work...hmmm.....what do you guys think? should i try it??? hopefully i can talk some sence in to him before he gets high and does something stupid. wait, he does stupid things no matter what...hmmm. what idiots i have as friends. so what has the rest of the world been up to?????? coment back


Minx said...

Try taking him too his favorite place. Then once he understands you want to help him, talk to him about the out come of drugs. It may seem like a good idea at the time...but what will it lead to in say, 10 years?

What am I doing? I'm staying home from school and eating pudding b/c I've got the crud aka cold. LOL

Good luck!

Blue Rose said...

get well soon, wow that sounded cheese. well atleast i meant it.