Thursday, January 22, 2009

new kid

we got a new kid this week, shes really nice but kinda shy.
she looks like she ways mabey 50 lbs
shes tinny mabey 4 foot 7 inch at best
but i like her, shes made good friends with me right off the bat, which is odd cuz im kinda weird
and by kinda y mean really really weird


i got my self a henna tattoo, well actuly i have like 10+,
there weird designs but i like them, i dont have my camra with me but when i get it i will take some pics.

any of you guys ever gotten a henna tattoo??
do you want to get one????

wicked sub

we had the evil sub again this week, all week and next week.
im one of the unlucky classes that have to deal with her 2 times a day.
she was handing out detentions like they were candy.

Friday, January 16, 2009

evil subs

sry guys ive been a little out there lately and havent blogged.

we had an evil sub this week, for the whole week. she was really really mean, she gave the whole class lunch detention and after school detention for all next week. its going to be fun and we have her for the next 2 weeks.
she got so mad at us in class that she made us put are head down for 5 min and every time we talked it would start over. we wasted 40 min of class that way it was odd.
then she told all of us that she was going to expelle all of us, but never went throu with it.
it was a pretty fun class period

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

sleep and cold

i dont think i sleept at all last night.
i sat on my floor staring in to the mirror the whole night, not doing anything, well i was listing to music, but im always doing that.

im usely i warm person who doest get cold but to day i was freezing
i dont kniow why it was anoyying and i still cant get warm.

i think im catching a cold. i really hope im not that would suck.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


ok i might sound a little negitive and well sry

i hate the snow
i mean i like it but it hurts

i step on a patch of snow and i did the "movie fall" you know one of those falls that you only see in movies where you legs go out from under you and up in the air and you fall back, acourding to my friend it all happend in slow motion.

so now you know why i dislike snow