Thursday, July 02, 2009


i know its been a while since i posted, but lifes been really really busy.
right now im in dc visiting my brother with no parents!!!!!! what really sucks is that im staying here for a month and im going to have to get used to them time differance and thats going to be hard. and when i fly home im going to have to do the samething....just great.
right now im sitting in my brothers office waiting for his meeting to finish so i can leave, its really really boring, i still have 1/2 and hour before i can leave and it sucks, i do like being out of nowheresville for a month.
i flew over on delta, i hated it. sorry for anyone who likes delta i just dont. im so tired right now its so not funn, i hate it. i wish i was at home, no i dont, then i'd be board and have my parents there.
speaking of parents, mine almost made me miss my flight, we were drivig down there and we stoped at the casino, my parents said only a 1/2 hour, but no, it turned in to an hour, figures. we almost missed the plane, it wasnt good. any who, ill try to post more later.bye bye for now.


Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy your time away. Nothing is ever just right! Get use to it! LOL
take care,
Julian :)