Sunday, November 16, 2008

shool dance

the school dance was interesting, i thought it was fun except for the screaming girls and guys being jerks. i had fun with my friends though

i know this is completely off subject but I'm sitting out side on the computer typing and a car just stopped in the middle of the road and starred at me, i cant see who it is though, but it scares me, i live in a place where if i scream no one will hear me so you know why I'm scared. OK it just pulled away thank god. that was creepy. OK I'm going in the house. like i said that was creepy.

anyway back to the school dance it was fun, but my 2 close guy friends asked me to dance and it was very awkward. i mean there like brothers to me and we know way to much a bout each other even though Ive only known them like 5 months. but it was still awkward


Capri Amier Amour said...

Creepy, but I'm glad you're OK!
Been there, done that, and dancing with your close guy friends is akward.