Saturday, November 22, 2008

smart smart me *continued

ok so they patched every thing up and are going out. and lucky me im still in the middle of this fun fun fun
lucky me, smart me
this is going to be weird at school
i wish i would have stayed out of it but im stuck in it now, lucky me
smart me


Capri Amier Amour said...

Third wheels on a relationship will kill it. Just try and back away...

Anonymous said...

The same thing happened to me, but most of the time: i liked the guy, the guy went out with me but just wanted to be with my friend. If u helped ur friend to be with ur other frien...well u just have to deal with it.
I learned not to be anybodys cupid, coz it sucks to see how everybody gets a bf and not u.
Good luck.

©[ Pale † Angel ] said...

or try to do something about it :P

©[ Pale † Angel ] said...

or try to do something about it