Saturday, November 22, 2008

smart smart me

i just helped the guy i like get the girl he likes, my best freind. the guy i like is also my best friend. but stilll i shouldnt have done that. i wish i wouldnt have, it was very very stupid of me. great!!!!

im talking to him right now and hes asking me what to say to her. lucky me, this is weird.

ok so shes mad at him and hes crying, crying. talk a bout drama. i dont think ive ever seen i guy cry


Capri Amier Amour said...

Guys are amazing when they cry. It's hard not to comfort them. Sorry about the whole friend thing tho, sometimes life gets hard, that's when you take a shovel and break through it. (if that doesn;t work, a tank would..that is if you could get access...)